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Antonio Marks
Worshipful Master
What are your expectations as your serve as Master of the Lodge
"To bring brothers together and serve my community well"
Favorite Quote
"To whom much is given much is required"
Why did you choose PH Lodge # 1
"It was the friendship I saw by hanging out with the brothers before I joined"
What does it mean to be a Mason
"It means living upright and help to make other men better"
Expectations as JW
"Call the craft from labor to refreshments and superintend during those hours and have a great report upon the next strike of the gavel"
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Favorite Quote
"Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality"
Musenda Spencer
Senior Warden
Brandon Lewis
Junior Warden
Brian Hawkins
William Mason
What does it mean to be a Mason
"To be a Prince Hall Mason is to be cemented in Black History. I am connected to a living organism that fought racism, bigotry, complacency, and turmoil but still stands today."
Why did you choose PH Lodge # 1
"I was looking for a better way to improve myself and to create a bond with brothers looking to do the same thing."
Broderick Yancey
Senior Deacon
LaDontae Nelson
Junior Deacon
Reginald Marshall Jr.
Senior Steward
Anthony Patrick
Junior Steward
Why did you choose PH Lodge # 1
"Because of their integrity understanding and strength in knowledge"
What does it mean to be a Mason
"It means everything to me because on this journey I know it’s making me a better man and a good example to my kids and family, meeting & building meaningful relationships with my brothers and helping the community"
Favorite Quote
"Never question the higher Power because he always knows what’s best! Just trust and believe!!"
What does it mean to be a Mason
"It means to be a man that govern yourself with morals and integrity. Understanding that I am not only representing myself in the world. But a great lineage of Great Men"
Daniel Whitehead
Brett Franklin
Alfred Turney
Freddie Moore
Most Recent PM
Why did you choose PH Lodge # 1
"Because of their integrity understanding and strength in knowledge"
What does it mean to be a Mason
"Being around good people and being able to learn from each other"
Expectations as Chaplin
"That I will always be seen and considered as a God fearing upright Man"
What did it mean to be Master of the
"Being around good people and being able to learn from each other"
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